Do Breakfast Invitations work with siblings?
Certainly! I have three boys and rotate how the Breakfast Invitations are presented. Some days the older two work on the same activity, and other mornings the activities are scaled more on their level.
This Breakfast Invitation Startup guide will walk you through how your child learns, what to expect, and how to understand what works best for YOU in your home. After reading, you will clearly understand your plan and execution.
Where can I print this?
You are permitted to print one copy for personal use only. Print in black and white, double-sided to save money, ink, and paper. There are 74 pages total in this ebook. I recommend looking into The Homeschool Printing Company for the best prices.
Does your Breakfast Invitation read on my iPhone?
It does! This PDF can be saved to your device and laid out just as it does on paper.
How is this different than what is offered on your website?
This guide is strategically laid out for YOU. It is an intentional plan that you can roll out immediately upon reading to help:
Better understand yourself.
Better understand your child.
Better understand the PURPOSE of each Breakfast Invitation.
Better understand how to make adjustments to your screen time.
Better understand how to structure your day so that it works for everyone.
This Breakfast Invitations Startup Guide was created to help you feel understood and have an actionable system to enjoy your days better.
This is a downloadable product. You will receive a .pdf file at checkout. Non-refundable.
The listing is for Breakfast Invitation Startup Guide, plus ten Breakfast Invitations you can do immediately upon reading.